…other versions of myself part 1

Has your heart ever randomly broken and you felt devastated? I don’t mean you recalled something from the past. I mean you are going about your day and you feel this sharp feeling in your chest and then all the world falls away and every thing shatters, its all over… and you break down. Has that ever happened to you, for no reason at all? Trust me you don’t want to ever experience it, its makes me wonder if I’m a little insane as if I’m not me and everything else was a lie. It makes me wonder what the reason behind my tears were, why was I at that very moment so heartbroken?

Stranger still those moments never last long, soon enough I am back to my old self and feels …I ponder a moment at the feeling and then I move on. Why a moment you may wonder, but why not a moment? I mean the moment is always so intense that I never want to dwell on it for fear of prolonging it. And trust me I’ve had a heartbreak before  I know the feeling, I remember it all to well the one heartbreak I’ve ever had. So I know this is the same feeling.

I wonder sometimes if there is meaning to it, like maybe some parallel version of myself has experienced some trauma or maybe its this stuff i smoked…who knows. What i do know is this… heartbreak in any form is no joke, so guard your hearts well…



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